Saturday, September 29, 2012

أسس وركائز وتطبيق الديمقراطية

"الحكومات الاستبدادية تحمل في ذاتها خميرة زوالها"
ريمون بولان: رئيس سابق لجامعة السوريون- باريس
يتخبط العالم العربي في مستنقع من المفاهيم  والسلوكيات التي لا يمكن أن تساعد على ولادة  أي نوع معقول من الديمقراطية.  من هذه المفاهيم: القوة تصنع الشرعية، الدين هو الحل،  الدين أساس التشريع، حكم الفقيه، سلطة أهل الحل والعقد، طاعة ولي الأمر خشية الفتنة، العصبية الدينية والقبلية والشعوبية، الرئيس أو الملك أو الأمير الملهم، الأنظمة غير الشرعية التي تكتسب شرعيتها مع التقادم ، رئاسة الدولة حتى الموت، توريث الحكم، الشورى مكان الديمقراطية، رفض الحوار, رفض اختلاف الرأي، الرضوخ للواقع كقدر، الاتكال على الله لحل مشاكلنا...
يعيش هذا العالم تحت نير كثير من الديكتاتوريات السياسية أو الدينية أو الاثنتين معا. لا يعرف كيف الخروج من عالم الظلمات إلى عالم الحريات وعلى أي أساس يجب بناء الدولة الحديثة والمجتمع العادل واحترام حقوق المواطنين. وضعنا اليوم أسوء مما كنا عليه سابقا. اليوم نشاهد هجمة مخططة من الرجعية والأصولية الدينية لكسب الشارع العربي والوصول إلى الحكم لوضع حكومات هدفها ديكتاتورية دينية  تمنع الناس من التفكير والتصرف الحر في حياتهم الخاصة والعامّة ووضعهم في قوالب مبرمجة  لا سبيل للنقد فيها.
الشارع العربي اليوم، تشده الأفكار الأصولية الدينية، هذه التيّارات  الإسلامية ليس لها برنامج سياسي معقول وواضح يمكن أن يطوّر الدولة الحديثة ويوسع  هامش حريّات المواطنين  ولتتعامل بشكل مسالم مع العالم الحديث. هذه التيّارات الإسلامية تأخذنا إلى متاهة التاريخ، تقدم لنا الماضي كأنه ذروة الحضارة، فيه العلم والمعرفة والعدل...  ويحمل بشكل سحري كل الحلول لعالمنا الجديد. لقد وضعوا ثوب القدسية على هذا الماضي من الناحية الدينية والثقافية وحتى السياسية وأقفلوا عقول الناس لكي لا تفكر وتجتهد لأن عصر الاجتهاد لا حاجة له. لقد قال وطبق الأسلاف كل ما يلزم. يكفي الأخذ به لنكون "خير أمّة".

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The story behind Eid Al Adha

The story behind Eid Al Adha
Some of us experience Eid every year, not knowing what they're taking a 1 week vacation for. Some people know it’s called Eid al Adha which translates into sacrifice festival/ feast, without knowing why we’re sacrificing all these sheep and goats. Well, if you’re one of those people that want to know what this Eid is all about, carry on reading.

There was once a small family, Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) and his wife Lady Sarah. Throughout most of his life, Prophet Ibrahim couldn’t conceive from his wife Lady Sarah, however as time went by and they grew older, Lady Sarah told him he could marry and have a child with Lady Hagar which was their slave at that time. Several months later Lady Hagar became pregnant with Ibrahim’s child Ismail (pbuh). Finding difficulty to conceive all these years, Ibrahim (pbuh) dearly loved his son and as Ismail (pbuh) grew older, Ibrahim (pbuh) kept having a dream that he was sacrificing his son, and after seeing that dream 3 times in a row, he knew that it was a test from God that he’s willing to take. Ibrahim (pbuh) was willing to devote his dearest possession, his only son, to the will of God even though Satan had tempted him not to go through with the process (where he drove him away by throwing pebbles at him). After committing to the act, he decided to take Ismail’s (pbuh) consent on the matter and surprisingly the young boy’s reaction was astonishing. He didn’t hesitate even for a minute. He said, “Father, do what you have been commanded. You will find me, Insha'Allah (God willing), to be very patient.” Of course this response showing commitment to Allah, deep faith, and maturity was exceptional. As Ibrahim (pbuh) laid down his son and held a knife to his throat, Allah called out to them telling them that they didn’t have to proceed with the sacrifice of Ismail (pbuh) and that there sincere intentions were accepted. Instead, Ibrahim (pbuh) was told to replace his son with a ram to sacrifice instead.
This is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an as follows:
"O my Lord! Grant me a righteous (son)!" So We gave him the good news of a boy, possessing forbearance. And when (his son) was old enough to walk and work with him, (Abraham) said: O my dear son, I see in vision that I offer you in sacrifice: Now see what is your view!" (The son) said: "O my father! Do what you are commanded; if Allah wills, you will find me one practising patience and steadfastness!" So when they both submitted and he threw him down upon his forehead, We called out to him saying: O Ibraheem! You have indeed fulfilled the vision; surely thus do We reward those who do good. Most surely this was a manifest trial. And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice. And We perpetuated (praise) to him among the later generations. "Peace and salutation to Abraham!" Thus indeed do We reward those who do right. Surely he was one of Our believing servants. Qur'an 37:100-111

As a reward for this sacrifice, Allah then granted Abraham the good news of the birth of his second son, Is-haaq (Isaac): And We gave him the good news of Is-haaq, a prophet from among the righteous. Qur'an 37:112

Abraham had shown that his love for his Lord superseded all others: that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dearest to him in submission to God's command. Muslims commemorate this ultimate act of sacrifice every year during Eid al-Adha.

Thus on Eid al Adha we celebrate the great sacrifice that this family was willing to make just to please God by sacrificing cattle and sharing it with friends, family, neighbors, and the less fortunate.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Death of a Queen

Out of Libya in 1969, she never return to its home by even once for these decades. During her stay in Egypt the queen, never enter an exchange of information with any entity, and spent her years in exile reluctant to comment on the issue of Libya.
The Only time was when she broke the Queen Fatima of this principle when she say in a brief statement about two years ago "HASBI ALLAH WA NAYMA AL WAKIL", in response to a question on the position of the intention of the Libyan authorities to return all their property confiscated.
Queen Fatima is the daughter of Mujahid Ahmeed Al-Sharfif Al-Sanusi, was married in 1930 in exile in Egypt, the son of her uncle Idris Al-Mahdi Al-Sanusi, and lived with him the bitterness of exile, poverty and joined his long trouble Jihad for the Liberation of Libya.
Queen Fatima returned gently after the end of the world War II to play the role next to her husband Prince, Princess gently with confidence and efficiency until 1951, when Idris was crowned King of Libya becomes independent under the terms of the Libyan Constitution Queen Fatima. The lifetime expected on behalf of "Fatima Idriss", and loves to claim that name.
Queen Fatima did not have children, despite its penchant for them, but had embraced her brother, Omar son of Al-Arbi, and adopted an Algerian girl Soleima who lost her family in the French-Algerian war.
I can describe the Queen as a charming lady full of vitality, activity and characterized by perfect housewife tact and good taste.
The Queen Fatima of Libya to the last time in August 1969, accompanied by King Idris in a trip to Turkey for treatment, were when a coup happen and then few days returned to Egypt as a refugee for the second time without increased and no money, just as it entered 40 years ago.

Monday, October 5, 2009


assalamu yalaykum

Dear all,
long time, long time... we always can find an excuse ... so i let it be

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is what we are


Things can go faster, it can go deeper, ... just think ...
year has pass... time cannot be retract, or cannot be reverse.
when you are asked about the time that has been spent during the previous year,
what you would say...??

so believe that one day you will be ... and everything will be ... this is LIFE

Saturday, July 26, 2008


we, Libyans
what i can say, we have to look at the past... our past to understand our present, and to see our future

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I inside the old city of Ghadamas

Naval Monuments Cyrene

Latrun in the East part "Amazing"

This is libya the diversity of culture